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What Is The Best Hay Feeder For Cattle?

WMI Feeders

Whether you are new to livestock farming or you're an old hand, you know that having the

best equipment is essential if you want to work efficiently. A hay feeder is essential if you

want to keep your cattle fed, but choosing the right one isn't always easy. When you're

looking for the best hay feeder for cattle, WMI Feeders can help to make it easier. Each of

our products offers a great choice for anyone who needs a hay feeder that's up to the job.

Here's our run-down of what each of these top cattle hay feeders can do for you.


This multi-bale feeder is ideal if you deal with both round and square bales and you're

looking for something for both hay and silage. It will hold an impressive 6 round or 5 square

bales at once, and larger machines can be built to order too. It features a curved chamber

for pad feeding, plus it benefits from a tandem rocker system. The extendable chamber

allows it to accommodate all bales and it can be used for carting in. Its robust design makes

it strong and durable, and it has high ground clearance too.


If you're looking for something extremely versatile, the Pa-Mick could be the cattle hay

feeder for you. This hay and silage feeder will carry up to two bales, taking a round and

square bale each in any order. Its specially designed curved chamber will hold feed pads up

to 1.2m (4 feet) high and its extendable chamber takes bales of all sizes. It benefits from a

versatile loading system with collapsible forks, making it safer to use. The tilting chamber

gives greater feed control, so it's a top choice for feeding cattle efficiently.


For those dealing in round bales, the Elite is an excellent choice. It will hold up to two large

round bales, offering a compact option for cattle feeding. One of the best features is the

rippers that travel over the top of the chassis to reduce component damage. This feeder is

built to make maintenance easier and more user-friendly. It has a simple chain adjustment

and, like the Pa-Mick, a versatile loading system with collapsible forks. Like all of our

feeders, it's strong and robust, but it's lighter and smaller.


Some people don't want to settle for anything less than a beast of a hay feeder. This option

is built with size in mind, holding up to 6 large, round bales of hay at once. It can be made

smaller on request but its size definitely gives it an advantage. Like the Elite, the Champion

features rippers that travel over the top of the chassis to reduce component damage and

simple chain adjustment. It also has the independent tandem rocker system of the Albybone.


Number of bales

Type of bales

Top features



Round or square

  • Independent tandem rocker system

  • Curved chamber

  • Extendable chamber



Round or square

  • Extendable chamber

  • Tilting chamber

  • Versatile loading system

  • Curved chamber




  • Top-travelling rippers

  • Simple chain adjustment

  • Versatile loading system




  • Top-travelling rippers

  • Simple chain adjustment

  • Independent tandem rocker system

  • User-friendly maintenance


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